Saturday, August 18, 2007
Day 18: This is my story and I'm sticking to it!
Yesterday got off to a great start and I was looking forward to going to Sedona. Should have gone to the Grand Canyon. So, here's my side of the story, and unfortunately, it's not a whole lot different from Hazel's. I'm just not going to add pictures...she was laughing so hard that fortunately, she didn't get many.
Slide Rock was full of happy people wading and swimming and walking. So, in we go to cool our tired feet. WHAM! On my ass with a "what just happened" look. This old couple was very sympathetic and after watching me slip and slide around, offered this advice. "Honey, do what the little kids do, crawl to the edge on your hands and knees." Good advice, and the old guy offered me a hand to get on dry ground. Time to put on shoes and take a walk. Hazel, who has been walking 30 minutes a day, made it clear that I needed the practice. So off we go, over red rocks, dodging jumping, splashing people. We took the high ground and I was feeling pretty good.
Time for another stop to watch the kids fling themselves off the ledges into the deep water. It was very nice sitting on the warm, red, FLAT rocks and just dangle my feet in the water. Refreshed, we moved up stream. Hazel the pathfinder was way up ahead of me, so I took the low ground to catch up, stepped in a puddle, and SPLASH, up to my knees in red water! Just like the poor coyote in the Roadrunner cartoons, everyone else steps in the same place and walks across water....I sink in up to my woo hoo.
OK, we move a little farther up the slope to get away from the water...and to keep me safe...and I'm feeling good. Got my feet under me, and navigating the rocks and sand like a pro. We have to move down hill a bit, and WHAM! I'm spitting out sand and trying to figure out how I ended up face down on the rocks (dry rocks by the way). My toe is throbbing, my hand is bleeding, my knee is bleeding, my elbow is bleeding, my pride is bleeding....ouch! Hazel is laughing so hard she has to cling to the rocks to keep from falling! Did she offer to help me up? Oh no! Not MY best friend. She's peeing her pants!
Close to the water again, so she suggested that I just go ahead and sit in the cold water to keep from swelling. I've got to admit, my toe, knee and elbow did not bruise (too much anyway), and it was only my right hand that made contact with the rocks. Had to scoot on my butt to get up and out.
We needed to get back to the car before I became the first person to die at Slide Rock. She did help by handing me my shoes. Right shoe on while using Hazel for balance, turn to sit on a rock to put left shoe on. Reached down to sit on the rock, and I'll be damned if a prehistoric thorn bush didn't just grow out of the crevices of the rocks. Pierced my finger...left hand. OUCH (again)!
After much laughter and more wetting of the pants. We started making our way back to the car. We're just about there now, and at the shallow end of the creek. Mother's and their babies are sitting in the warm sand in the shade of the big rocks, so Hazel figures this is a good time to take a break and enjoy a nice warm rock of our own, and cool down. I turn to sit on a really big rock, and the next thing I know, I'm looking up at my knees and flailing my arms! My head is embedded in the sand, and Hazel is peering down at me with tears (of laughter) in her eyes. The young mothers AND THEIR BABIES, are hysterical! One woman did catch her breath long enough to ask if I was all right. Am I alright?!?!? Hell, I didn't even know what happened! WHY was I on my back, and where was that damn rock!!?!?!?! Thanks lady.
We dragged my wet, red, sandy butt back to the car. Wet denim full of sand is a great exfoliant and I have the smoothest thighs in Arizona.
Couldn't get in the car with those clothes on, so I had to find clean clothes and change in the Porta Potty! Some little kid started knocking on the door and asked when I thought I would be done. I gathered my dignity...and wet, gritty clothes...and flung open the door. Evidently his mom saw something in my face because she gathered the little guy behind her and backed away.
Guess we should have put on those bathing suites.
Resting and recouperating in Sedona,
Penny S (slippery when wet) Head
Lost in Sedona

We left Flagstaff on 89A. What a wonderfully beautiful drive down and twisty curvy mountain. Here are some pictures that I took at one of the parks at the top, it is about 7000 feet here. These pictures do not do it justice.

I saw this sign as we were going down the I thought I would stop and we could take another walk. We are getting a lot of walking in, way more than the 30 minutes on my treadmill. When we pull into our parking place it is about 95 degrees out and the car next to us has a dog locked in it. Penny, the saviour of all animals and nature took the license plate number and gave it to the guard at the front gate, who called for rescue. What kind 0f idiot leaves a dog in a car when the temperature outside is in the high 90s? By the time we got back to our car it was registering 108 degrees.
We walked down this path and came to this site. Look at all of the people sliding down the rocks in this river. What a blast, how fun, it's hot and the water looks soooo cool, and it was such a long walk to get here. And guess what we have bathing the trunk of baby, a mile back. Damn, poor planning, look at all these people in bathing suites, except us.
OK, so here is the story, and if you ask me to tell you this story I won't be able to because I cannot stop laughing....ok ok, let me get myself together here. So here is the story, Penny loves the water and she will take every opportunity to get in the water. So here is the wonderful water running over these beautiful rocks. Now, sun, shallow water, and rocks equal slick algae. So, I said be careful just as Penny fell went down on her ass in the water in a denim skirt (skort). I was standing carefully trying not to fall, all the while laughing at Penny as she kept trying to get up on the slick rocks. Soon she was on all fours crawling to banks. finally a gentleman went over to help her as I was tippy toeing carefully to the banks.
So, I decided that we should just sit and watch everyone (wish we had our bathing suites) jump off the ledges into the water. Penny steps into a puddle that went to her knee and almost fell again. We decided to walk further up the river, here is Penny on her ass again. So I made her sit in the cold water to help her knee, toe and hand. "Just sit there for awhile."
Ok, time to get up and get started again, she reaches down to get her shoe and gets stuck by a thorn, now her hand is bleeding! I may never ever get her back to the car.
Off we go, back to our car, on the trek back down the river, I see two or three nice round rocks near the water. I thought it would be a good place for us to rest, sitting on a rock with our feet in our water resting. I look over at Penny and she is on her back in the red, red sand and water, feet in the air, looking like a turtle turned on its back!!! How the hell did you do that? What happen? She did not know, she just fell backwards, looking into the sky! I laughed so hard that I wet my pants! I still can't stop laughing.Needless to say, it was a long long walk back to the car and if you think for one moment I let her sit in my car with this outfit on you have another think coming. She changed!
We drove down the road to downtown Sedona. Here is the problem, we are still here. We have only driven 34 miles in 2 days. We may never ever leave Sedona. Did we say that we were going to be home September 07? It may be "08"
Look where we had to eat breakfast this morning, can you imagine!
Route 66? Where is it?
Hazel M. Walker
Queen of the Road
Friday, August 17, 2007
Day 17: Ridin' the Wild Hare

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Standin on the Corner in Winslow Arizona......

We stayed in Holbrook, Arizona at the Holiday Inn Express. They had the new super beds, you know the big pillow tops with the wonderful down comforters. We decided to order a Pizza from the Pizza Hut right down the street, at 7:30pm we called placed the order only to be told they quit delivering at 7:00pm. To say we were shocked, 7:00pm, you gotta be kidding me! We want Pizza. We had fish sandwiches from Burger King, cause we were in our jammies and did not want to get out of the car! Yuck.
BUT...........we had the BEST nights sleep ever at this hotel. It was great, beds just like home. I highly recommend this hotel. I know that Penny loved them too, she was talking to me, about Ghost Hunters, then the next thing I hear is Penny snoring...I mean humming. I never met anyone who can fall asleep in the middle of a sentence!

Arizona has so much to see. We went to the painted desert, which was beautiful, the petrified forest where satellites follow you around to make sure you do not steal any of the petrified wood. I picked up a piece of wood, it was beautiful and Penn

We went to the Meteor Crater today, both Penny and I were not very interested really but thought we would take a quick look. Wow.....are we glad we did. It is unimaginable how big this thing is. Or how old it is.
Baby, my Lexus convertible has been great on the road. We get a great many comments from people about the car, everyone loves her! But, packing her has become an art, with so little space and so much shopping to do over the miles we have had to be very creative. DHL is our best friend! If you are thinking of taking this trip we highly recommend taking Packing Slips with you, it makes life so much easier.
Getting our Kicks on Route 66............
Hazel M. Walker
Queen of the Road
Day 15: Never Under Estimate the Value of a Multi Tool

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
We're back.....did you miss us?

NOW........let me tell you about an exciting part of Route 66 that many people choose NOT to take. It is an 18 mile pre 1930s Route 66, dirt and gravel road through dessert. We met several people at the Midpoint Cafe. We all left about the same time. There were two women about the same age as Penny and I, from Virginia, driving a convertible Jag. They got to the dirt road and turned back, deciding to take the interstate. We passed them as they were turning around. Penny, Baby and I decided to take the road..............I know you are shocked that I would take a little Lexus SC 430 with high performance tires across the desert on dirt and gravel. (some of you will not be shocked at all).

There was a second one, with teeth on it down in a little ditch. She wanted to go down and get it, but I could hear little rattles all around it which I am certain were rattle snakes sleeping in the heat. So I did not think it was a good idea for her to walk off the road to get a second skull. Therefore, only one hitched a ride in the back of my car on MY PILLOW! That Skull is now being shipped home to Mike.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Day 14: And We're Back!

Still gettin' our kicks on Route 66