Oh my, oh my, oh my! Today was a great day for the Women Road Warriors! We have been up, down, up a whole lot more, and down, down, down twisty, curvy, narrow mountain roads. I mean, for someone who hates heights, today's trip through the mountains was a true test of fortitude! Baby loves the road, and sticks to the road like glue. Thank you God. In addition to road signs warning of hairpin curves, wiggly roads, and flash floods, we started seeing signs warning of burro crossings! 

Our EZ66 Guide mentioned Oatman, AZ as an old gold mining town "but now digs for tourist dollars with shops an cafes, staged gunfights and live music all crammed into its one burro-lined street." Gunfights generally mean cowboys, and since this was our current goal, we decided to make the stop. Oatman is about halfway down the current mountain, and at first peak, you just might want to keep on goin'.

The buildings are probably original from the gold rush days, the street (Yes, just one) is dirt, and the "sidewalks" are wooden walks raised up from the road. There's places to eat and buy the normal tourist things like T-shirts, rocks, etc. But, most of the shops also sell bags of carrots so you can feed the wild burros! Well, of course I had to buy a bag at the very first store we came to. I then carried the bag into every store to the end of the street. I was beginning to think the burros were just a come on, but soon enough, word got out on the street that the burros were in town. They just come wandering in off the road to get handouts from the sight seers. Poor Hazel, she humors me (it's her penance for scaring the pants off me on those mountain roads). I was like a kid in a petting zoo, and simply loved communing with the fuzzy beasts. Mamas and babies walk through town and sometimes right into the stores looking for gullible guests like myself. I loved it!

I donated money to the Burro Food Fund, Burro Vet Fund (they sometimes get hit by cars flying around the curves), bought carrots, and donated to the Public Restroom Fund. All worthy causes!

We were actually on our way back to the car and out of town when we noticed that our cowboy had gone into the saloon. We were instantly hungry and needed to stop for a bite to eat. It was time for a cigarette break as well, so I went outside to feed my monster while Hazel placed our order and admired our cowboy from afar. Just as I stepped out the door, a shot was fired and I about died right on the wooden planks! The gunfight was about to start!

When I got back in for lunch, Mr. Good Lookin' cowboy came by the table to say whatever good lookin' cowboys have to say. Much, much later, we really did get back to the car and resumed our trip. Mike Fox is a great ambassador for Oatman, AZ. His calling card states that he is a photographer (some really first class photos of the area), gunfighter (one of the original Ghostrider Gunfighters), Stagecoach Driver, Roustabout, Electrician. We got quite the history lesson around Oatman, the Indians, Mormons, and mountain men. Thanks Mike! You truly made my day! [sigh]
We crossed the Colorado River and are staying in Needles, California this evening. It's hotter than...most hot things...and I've just about lost my sense of humor with this heat. However, Mike reassured us that this is a pretty mild summer for this area, and a little more humid than normal. Hmmmm, maybe we can get him to come to Indiana some summer day and show him what humidity really is!

It would be more fun
To go by air
If we could put
These signs up there.
Penny S. Head
Oh what FUN!!! Penny I can just see you now with all those burros ~ I know you were in animal heaven! Hazel hang on to that assistant of yours ~ she snagged you a pretty hunky cowboy there!! Time sure is flying fast ~ I can't believe you're in California already!
You 2 are a hoot! I love the cowboy and burrows.......that is one smart man that dies in the shade. That is where I would want to fake die......random thoughts by stacey
I just love the road into Oatman. I drove it last year in my friend's Lexus. I'm so looking forward to doing it in my car. -- Youse guys are having almost enough fun. Hmm, I'll have to check out the cowgirl scene there. :-)
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