We made it through the Mohave Desert! We drove almost 260 miles today to make up for yesterday complete lack of mileage. We even left the hotel at 9:00am which is a full hour and half earlier than usual. (those beds were not conducive to sleeping late...but hey we only paid $57 for the room).

We got on a desert road and headed out! The Mohave is awesome, the road is long and straight with lots of Dips that make Penny screech! Most of the road is smooth and well cared for. It is a lot of fun to drive and there is little traffic so there is plenty of time to stop and take photos.

It is important to have a full tank of gas and plenty to drink on this leg of the trip.
Here are some of the sites that we saw in the desert. Can you guess what they are?

By the way, check out our friends blog, he is traveling Route 66 too. http://therealwombat.wordpress.com/tag/route-66-in-007/
We are in San Bernadino at the Fairfiled Inn tonight......can't wait to tell you what we do tomorrow.
Gettin our kicks on Route 66
Hazel M. Walker
Queen of the Road
The internet has been down here, so you may not have been able to post. It is obviously all better now so post away my little chich-a-dees!
That bottle tree thingy is soooo awesome! Where is it? I LOVE it when crazy people make stuff!
If you are anywhere near Hollywood tonight (8/22), the best polka band in the universe is playing at Safari Sam's.
Thank you glinda.
We went to the WigWam hotel today. They are GREAT, well kept, pillow top beds, very nice. I highly recommemd it.
We will be down near Hollywood tomorrow night 8/23 until 8/27.
Hey! I pass one of those bottle trees every day on my bus route! Now I see where they got the idea from! I love that far off photo of the desert road toward the mountains/hills! GORGEOUS!
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