I love taking the photos of the Old Buildings, some are still in use, many others are not. A great many of them are simple shells of old buildings that where abandoned shortly after Highway 66 was abandoned. They tell a story of life and prosperity in days gone by. Progress and lifestyle have caused a great many changes, but these buildings have great stories to be told. Here is a Photo of an old general store. When I look at it I can imagine the activities and lives that were lived during the heyday of it's time. What I wouldn't give to spend a day snooping around this old building. Oh the things we might find!
Or the old motels and gas stations that are either abandoned or have fallen to ill repair. While it makes me sad to see so much of our history disappearing, I also know that the Route 66 Association and people like Greg, Scott, and Ramona work hard to keep the history alive and documented. They have such great stories to tell and pictures of how it use to be. They are all so passionate about the Road, the buildings and the history.
One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they take this trip is they try to hurry, not stopping to talk to people on the Route. The simple act of getting lost and asking for directions have led us to some great conversations with people. Each person tells us about a new site, or another person that we have to stop and see. They network all along the route, I have seen more word of mouth business take place along this trip than I have ever witnessed.

We got photos of a couple more Giants. It is like a scavenger hunt, always looking for the next Giant....we missed the Giant Praying Hands! But here is the Giant Bowling Pin, yes in front of a Giant Adult Superstore Sign, and a Giant Bull. I think there are 2 giants on the list to see as we go thru Oklahoma.
By the way, for those keeping track, I have ZERO tickets to date. Hey there is no highway patrol or Route 66.
Hey leave us some comments so we know you love us.
More tomorrow,
Hazel M. Walker
G’day Hazel & Penny,
It was so nice meeting you in Gay Paree, er, Gay Parita.
I made it to Carthage and will be in the area for a couple days before heading on to KS and the NE corner of OK.
I hope, the “boys” are enjoying the trip as much as you are.
Drop by http://www.costume.org/ re costumers, masquerades, etc. The Chicago & St. Louis chapters seems to be the closest chapters.
More anon!
Ciao & teggeddizzi! May the Ghreat Wombat smile on you!
I am off to wander parts of the world. Communication shall be spotty.
The Wombat
+1-518-281-6929 [c]
Blog: http://therealwombat.wordpress.com/about/
Ladies & Flats...I think the vote for tickets should be off and voting to see if you make it all the way and back in 30 days is on. Keep those little wheels rollin'. Fat Sister
ok moms i hate technology! please be safe! i'm proud of u 4 not getting tickets YET! oh and try not to talk 2 any homicidal strangers!
Of course we love you! Mr. Wombat seems very nice, I’m glad that you guys met. Everywhere you go seem so exotic even though I know you haven’t left the country. I love the pictures you are taking and yes, I love the old buildings as well. I like to imagine what they used to be like in their heyday and what went on inside them. They bode well for story starters as well.
Yes! We love you! and I am proud of you Hazel for the no tickets thing, I guess. I mean if there are no patrols....Keep up the good work. I am beginning to feel like I'm on vacation too!
Hey Ladies and Gents,
You know we love you dearly...
Also loving your daily comentaries of this wonderful trip of yours! Thanks for sharing.
Just don't forget to turn around and head back east in the end!
I wanted to pass on a suggestion from a friend, she's been on the route before (a short journey)she said to make some time for Kingsman AZ. Talk about going back in time; she says!?!
WooHoo!! Congrats on the No Tickets so far! Although if there were patrols on the road I'm sure you'd be up to a few or twenty by now! LOL I love you two bunches and miss you bunches more!
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