What a DAY!! We completed 3 states, MO, Kansas, and now we are in OK......We got started and we kinda had a plan, we were going to get to our hotel early today and then leave early next morning.
As we are headed down highway 66 in Oklahoma we were detoured. We kept going in circles, finally we stopped and asked the construction guys what was the best way to get where we wanted to go. He was laughing since he had detoured us already and we were back, but here is what he ask Penny........."How do you feel about going down a dirt road?" Penny's response....."Well how dirt is it?" He broke into laughter and said, "Dirt dirt!" Anyway we took the "Dirt" road, only to be trapped by a train, that decided to STOP and park on the track, for one hour, while other trains zoomed pass the other direction. Penny go out of our car to talk to the "Cowboy" in the Pick up tuck in front of us. She ask him if there was an alternate root. He stated that once the train decided to move we were exactly where we needed to be. In fact that Dirt road that we drove on was the "Original" one lane Route 66. We sat in the car waiting, all of a sudden we saw a guy under the train car on the track. It was a young guy coming to our side to ask us questions. Someone actually crawled under the train. How crazy is that.
What we did find out was that this town had CLOSED all of its bridges due to the collapse of the one in Minnesota so we had no other alternative but to wait. The train was finally gone. Off we go....the biggest McDonald's in the World, the giant totem pole, and we talked to some great people on a bridge....penny met a stray cat and a stray dog, no they are not coming home with us.
Finally we get to Tulsa, we are going to call it a night here, do laundry, and start early next day. NOT.......BABY decides to throw a shoe, FLAT TIRE! A wonderful police officer called Triple A for us and waited until they showed up. His name was Officer Ledbetter....one of the nicest police officers I have ever met, well except for Officer Eric K in Greenwood. We are going to send a note to the Tulsa police regarding Officer Ledbetter....he was wonderful.

Our AAA guy showed up, his name is James, what a hoot.....James is 23 loves cars and was so completely helpful. Loaded up Baby on a Flat Bed, took us to the car place then took us to our hotel.....only after we gave him the WRONG hotel.
OH, did I mention that the PGA Championships are happening here in TULSA....no hotel rooms to be found. We found one, the rooms we have been paying $79 for was not $225. But it is our room.
Once we got to our room we went Ruby Tuesdays, did I tell you that the PGA Championships are here? So you can imagin how crowded it was....so we went to the BAR where we had a great time drinking Mojitos. Lots of them....good thing we were walking. We met Garret there, he was a blast, NOT there for the PGA.
Over all, it was a great day. NOW I have to find out when BABY will be back and we can start on the road again.
STAY TUNED................
Hazel M. Walker
Queen of the Road
Route 66
Oh my, oh my... do you know how hard it has been for me NOT to edit your posts, oh, Queen of Route 66? I might not be able to let this one go. You know how much I want you to look good :)
Sounds like you are having a blast! Wish I were there...
PS - thanks for the envelopes!
Edit away, I don't have time, it takes us forever to do these damn blogs with pictures. Very slow uploads, let alone all the writing and getting on line.
And you are welcome for the envelopes.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to do the blogs...I look forward to reading them each day.
Sorry about the car, but maybe it was a sign that you guys needed to take up golf? it could be? eh? eh? I cant believe that you guys have made it as far as you have! I realy do think you will make it to Caly by the end!
Oh NO!! What a bummer! But it sounds like Baby is in good hands and you'll be on your way again soon. Look at the crowd as an opportunity to meet a whole bunch more strangers and have really great conversations! :)
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