As much as we loved Sedona, we packed up and left today. Sedona is not part of the Route 66 trip, but it was so close to Flagstaff that we decided to take Route 89A and check out the beautiful Red Rocks. It is well worth the side trip.
Today we took 89A around the Mountains into Jerome. Again, not part of the Route 66 trip but what the heck we are already off the path. Jerome is phenomenal, a whole town build on the side of mountains. Jerome has a rich history of copper mining and when the copper mines where closed the town was all but abandoned. Today it is growing and draws a lot of tourist. It is so different from all of the other towns we have encountered in Arizona. No way could I ever live in this place, if you fell off of your porch it would kill you! If you ever get a chance I would recommend that you take the opportunity to visit the old town!

We got of the longest portion of Route 66. It is 150 miles of straight two lane highway, the temperature was still below 95 degrees so we kept the top down. That was a mistake......it is not feeling so good now! Much of this part of the drive was interesting but not beautiful.

We went thru this little town called Seligman, Arizona. Very fun, several of the local places have really gone out of their way to create a fun place to stop and buy geegaw's. We went to a little DQ like place, (not DQ) we had hot dogs for lunch....Bob hot dogs...short and fat. Not the John hot dog which is long and thin. Their description not mine. The guys taking the orders where very very funny! Stop here if you get a chance!
We continued on, top still down..........not a good idea, did I tell you were are sunburned! LOL
Tonight we are in Kingsman, Arizona, tomorrow we go thru the Mohave Desert. Our guide books says fill the tank and take plenty of water. We will also ride with the top up!!!! We should be in California tomorrow night!! YEA!

Hazel M. Walker
Queen of the Road
Great Picture Hazel of you on the rock. I'm glad you had the chance to climb and drop 7500 ft. in Baby. I know having those types of experiences is what she is made for. I can't believe you two aren't sunburned already! Nor can I believe you have been on the road so long without a ticket!
Hi MOM! I don't get to see many pictures of you. This one is great. UUUUMMMMM I think I'll have a BOB hot dog too! :-)
There are no cops on Route 66! Wait until Hazel gets on the interstates home!
may I be the first to welcome you to California!
don't miss the tee-pee hotel in SanBernardino (they might be crack houses now, but they still look cool)
treat yourselves to an "In-N-Out" burger while you are here.
Thanks Mary Ruth....we are San Bernadino tonight at the Farifield. We look forward to seeing the Tee Pees and I have been looking forward to the In and Out burgers, everyone raves about them.
Hi there, thanx for the plug. -- As I'll be heading for Phoenix for an SF con over 7-9 September, I may well be in a position to head down to Sedona en route. I've head good things about the area before your ravings, er, good words. -- As you are heading back, keep a chack on where I am. maybe we can share a cuppa as you blow thru. -- This coming weekend, 24-26 Aug., I'll be in Albuquerque for another SF con. -- Did I give you my cell phone #? Try 518-281-6929. -- Remember The Wombat Corollary tot he Laws of Life: It is never too late to have a happy childhood!
Great to hear from you! I've been catching up and I think you two are a riot. Thank you so much for your inspirational note to us, as always it came at the perfect time. I just wanna know where you put your stuff, two women + 1 car + small trunk + shopping along the way = ? :-)
What?? You didn't keep the suntan lotion on thick???? Good grief girls......I thought we taught you better! LOL Hope you don't peel too badly!
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